In Memory of Caylee Marie Anthony
Although I never knew her
Her memory lingers near
Thinking solely of you her loved ones
That loves her oh so dear
I'm sorry you're going through this
My heart hurts in every way
Stayed close to the reports of news
Never missed a single day
Little wings earned too soon
So many lives torn in two
Keep faith in the Lord above
You know He'll guide you through
Heartaches are very many
With a tragedy such as this
In your prayers nightly
Send Caylee a special kiss.
Sylvia Allison
Little Caylee
Once You've Been There
Cindy Anthony & Caylee
This picture is so special to me - a grandmothers' love is the touch of Gods' hand as she cradles her grandchildren in her arms. No one knows till they've been there...
You'll never know the feeling
That feeling in your heart
Of holding a little grandchild
That's how you made the start
Of loving little people
You created years ago
Now they created babies
For you to love so ...
Tiny little people
To caress and hold so tight
Watching them with their many moves
Saying prayers for them at night
Hold tight to your little ones
Watch them closely everyday
Hold their hands throughout their lives
Be good to them in every way
Until you've been there
Am sure you'll never know
When something tragic happens
And God says it's time to go.
My heart goes out to George and Cindy Anthony today as they have to say goodbye to a loving and special granddaughter they lost to some one's cruel and deadly hands. I do hope and pray justice will be served and the right person is punished within the standards of Florida's law. No one should have to say goodbye to a child in this manner, really anyone in that case. Lots of other reasons are out there to lose a loved one without something this tragic to happen.
God be with you Anthony family as this crisis comes to past and my the presence of our God in Heaven be with you daily as you partake the trials and tribulations of this tragedy as the truth unfolds in the presence of the Florida courts.
Peace be with you always...
Saying prayers for you and your family daily.
Sylvia Allison
Sharing A Candle For Caylee
Please say a prayer for Caylee's grandparents and
add this candle (right click and save) to your page in memory of Caylee.
Please let me know you did so, thank you.
I would love to see how many responses I get and how many candles are shared. God Bless You...